Dream Library


This blog is created to raise awareness about the importance and value of libraries among the people of our country, special importance is given to exhibit contribution of health science librarians in health and social care within institutions and in nation building.
The health science librarians provide information resources to support health care. They encourage widespread use of health information among doctors, medical students, nurses, physiotherapists, dietitians, social workers and researchers.
The technological advancement has enabled libraries to move beyond the four walls of a building, as a result, we, the librarians strive to meet the health information needs of a larger community and try to amend health information delivery at every region, so that people live better, healthier, happier and more productive lives.

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Friday, May 3, 2013

Invest in the future. Defeat malaria (Tuberculosis, AIDS, Cancer.........)

Over the last decade, the world has made major progress in the fight against malaria.Since 2000, malaria mortality rates have fallen by more than 25%, and 50 of the 99 countries with ongoing transmission are now on track to meet the 2015 World Health Assembly target of reducing incidence rates by more than 75%.(source: WHO) (World Malaria Day, 25 April 2013)

In India, 70% population faces risk of malaria, reveals report

Aurangabad: "According to the World Malaria Report 2011, over 70% of the country's population faces the risk of malaria infection, with an estimated 310 million people - one-third of the total - facing the 'highest risk'," said V S Bhatkar, the assistant director, malaria, (Aurangabad). "An estimated one million fresh cases are reported in India each year. About 95% of the country's population resides in malaria-endemic areas," he added.(Source: TOI)

Notes: Dirty drain remain open and malaria danger lurks

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