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This blog is created to raise awareness about the importance and value of libraries among the people of our country, special importance is given to exhibit contribution of health science librarians in health and social care within institutions and in nation building.
The health science librarians provide information resources to support health care. They encourage widespread use of health information among doctors, medical students, nurses, physiotherapists, dietitians, social workers and researchers.
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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Information on web- Ophthalmology in India led me to the following important sites

All India Ophthalmological Society: It is the largest association of eye surgeons in India & second largest in the world with nearly 16,000 members. The AIOS was established in the year 1930.The objectives of the society are cultivation and promotion of the study and practice of ophthalmic sciences, research and man-power development with a view to render service to the community and to promote social contacts among ophthalmologists of the country. 
 The Indian Journal of Ophthalmology (ISSN 0301-4738) or IJO, is the official scientific journal of the All India Ophthalmological Society (AIOS),
 Ocular times is a bi-monthly magazine published by Axiom Communications for the ophthalmic community exclusively. Their mission is to serve you by sharing the latest clinical updates, practical interests like case conference, grand rounds or current treatment protocols, medico-legal aspects, latest research papers, cutting-edge technology  and many, many more.

Little on the  articles that I randomly found on Internet-
1.Sushruta: the father of Indian surgery and ophthalmology.
2. An evaluation of medical college departments of ophthalmology in India and change following provision of modern instrumentation and training
3.Ophthalmic research and publication in India: Where do we stand?

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