Dream Library


This blog is created to raise awareness about the importance and value of libraries among the people of our country, special importance is given to exhibit contribution of health science librarians in health and social care within institutions and in nation building.
The health science librarians provide information resources to support health care. They encourage widespread use of health information among doctors, medical students, nurses, physiotherapists, dietitians, social workers and researchers.
The technological advancement has enabled libraries to move beyond the four walls of a building, as a result, we, the librarians strive to meet the health information needs of a larger community and try to amend health information delivery at every region, so that people live better, healthier, happier and more productive lives.

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Stop Smoking

Tobacco smoke causes instant damage to DNA

No Risk-Free Level Of Exposure,Warn Experts

Washington: Cigarette smoke causes immediate damage to a person's lungs and their DNA even in small amounts,including from second-hand smoke,US federal officials said in a new report.
Taxes,bans and treatment must all be pursued to bring smoking rates down,US surgeon-general Regina Benjamin said.The chemicals in tobacco smoke reach your lungs quickly every time you inhale causing damage immediately, she said in a statement.Inhaling even the smallest amount of tobacco smoke can also damage your DNA,which can lead to cancer, she said.
The report said tobacco companies deliberately designed cigarettes and other tobacco products to be addictive.
Tobacco smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals and compounds,including hundreds that are toxic and at least 70 that cause cancer,the report said.That means there is no risk-free level of exposure to tobacco smoke.Even a whiff of tobacco smoke can adversely impact the body,the report says.The lining of the lungs becomes inflamed as soon as it is exposed to cigarette smoke,and,over time,the smoke can cause chronic lung diseases such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis,according to the report.AGENCIES

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