Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals(DGS&D): A CENTRAL PURCHASE & QUALITY ASSURANCE ORGANISATION of Govt. of India, Department of Supply, Ministry of Commerce.
International Standards Organization ISO has developed over 18 500 International Standards on a variety of subjects and some 1100 new ISO standards are published every year. The full range of technical fields can be seen from the listing International Standards. Users can browse that listing to find bibliographic information on each standard and, in many cases, a brief abstract. The online ISO Standards listing integrates both the ISO Catalogue of published standards and the ISO Technical programme of standards under development.
THEnet is a consortium of health professional education institutions that are committed to achieving health equity through medical education, research and service that is responsive to the priority needs of communities
Creative Commons helps you share your knowledge and creativity with the world.
It develops, supports, and stewards legal and technical infrastructure that maximizes digital creativity, sharing, and innovation
JournalGuide is a free tool created by a group of software developers, former researchers, and scholarly publishing veterans at Research Square. Their goal is to bring all sources of data together in one place and to give authors a simple way to choose the best journal for their research
S.No. National Health Programmes
Year of Beginning
1 National Cancer Control Programme 1975 Primary prevention of cancers by health education regarding
hazards of tobacco consumption and necessity of genital hygiene for prevention of cervical cancer, etc.
2 National Program of Health Care for the Elderly (NPHCE)
To provide preventive, curative and rehabilitative services to the elderly persons at various level of health care delivery system of the country, etc.
3 National Program for Prevention and Control of Deafness (NPPCD)
---- To prevent the avoidable hearing loss on account of disease or injury, etc.
4 District Mental Health Program (NMHP)
To ensure availability and accessibility of minimum mental health care for all in the foreseeable future, particularly to the most vulnerable and underprivileged sections of population.
5 National Cancer Registry Programme 1982 To provide true information on cancer prevalence and incidence.
6 National Tobacco Control Program 2007 Preventing the initiation of smoking among young people, educating, motivating and assisting smokers to quit smoking, etc.
7 National Leprosy Eradication Program started in 1955, launched in 1983
To arrest the disease activity in all the known cases of leprosy.
8 Universal Immunization Program (UIP) 1985 To achieve self-sufficiency in vaccine production and the manufacture of cold-chain equipment for storage purpose, etc.
9 National Vector Borne Disease Control Program ---- For the prevention and control of vector borne diseases
National Programme for Control of Blindness was launched in the year 1976 as a 100% Centrally Sponsored scheme with the goal to reduce the prevalence of blindness from 1.4% to 0.3%. As per Survey in 2001-02, prevalence of blindness is estimated to be 1.1%. Target for the 10th Plan is to reduce prevalence of blindness to 0.8% by 2007 prevalence of Blindness is 1% (2006-07 Survey).
Indian Association for Medical Informatics (IAMI)as medical knowledge continues to expand rapidly with demands for more efficient coordination of patient data become paramount, and the pressures for improved practice and application of evidence based medicine increases, medical informatics will have increasing influence in our working lives as clinicians.
The Punjab Civil Medical Services Association (PCMS), is a body representing a large number of government doctors in Punjab
Titles that I find interesting :
Support your staff employees: they support the academy
Sue Samson - Reference Services Review - Feb 04, 2014
The Finnish medical portal - 'Terveysportti'
Internet resources for diabetes
International Standards Organization ISO has developed over 18 500 International Standards on a variety of subjects and some 1100 new ISO standards are published every year. The full range of technical fields can be seen from the listing International Standards. Users can browse that listing to find bibliographic information on each standard and, in many cases, a brief abstract. The online ISO Standards listing integrates both the ISO Catalogue of published standards and the ISO Technical programme of standards under development.
THEnet is a consortium of health professional education institutions that are committed to achieving health equity through medical education, research and service that is responsive to the priority needs of communities
Creative Commons helps you share your knowledge and creativity with the world.
It develops, supports, and stewards legal and technical infrastructure that maximizes digital creativity, sharing, and innovation
JournalGuide is a free tool created by a group of software developers, former researchers, and scholarly publishing veterans at Research Square. Their goal is to bring all sources of data together in one place and to give authors a simple way to choose the best journal for their research
S.No. National Health Programmes
Year of Beginning
1 National Cancer Control Programme 1975 Primary prevention of cancers by health education regarding
hazards of tobacco consumption and necessity of genital hygiene for prevention of cervical cancer, etc.
2 National Program of Health Care for the Elderly (NPHCE)
To provide preventive, curative and rehabilitative services to the elderly persons at various level of health care delivery system of the country, etc.
3 National Program for Prevention and Control of Deafness (NPPCD)
---- To prevent the avoidable hearing loss on account of disease or injury, etc.
4 District Mental Health Program (NMHP)
To ensure availability and accessibility of minimum mental health care for all in the foreseeable future, particularly to the most vulnerable and underprivileged sections of population.
5 National Cancer Registry Programme 1982 To provide true information on cancer prevalence and incidence.
6 National Tobacco Control Program 2007 Preventing the initiation of smoking among young people, educating, motivating and assisting smokers to quit smoking, etc.
7 National Leprosy Eradication Program started in 1955, launched in 1983
To arrest the disease activity in all the known cases of leprosy.
8 Universal Immunization Program (UIP) 1985 To achieve self-sufficiency in vaccine production and the manufacture of cold-chain equipment for storage purpose, etc.
9 National Vector Borne Disease Control Program ---- For the prevention and control of vector borne diseases
National Programme for Control of Blindness was launched in the year 1976 as a 100% Centrally Sponsored scheme with the goal to reduce the prevalence of blindness from 1.4% to 0.3%. As per Survey in 2001-02, prevalence of blindness is estimated to be 1.1%. Target for the 10th Plan is to reduce prevalence of blindness to 0.8% by 2007 prevalence of Blindness is 1% (2006-07 Survey).
Indian Association for Medical Informatics (IAMI)as medical knowledge continues to expand rapidly with demands for more efficient coordination of patient data become paramount, and the pressures for improved practice and application of evidence based medicine increases, medical informatics will have increasing influence in our working lives as clinicians.
The Punjab Civil Medical Services Association (PCMS), is a body representing a large number of government doctors in Punjab
Titles that I find interesting :
Support your staff employees: they support the academy
Sue Samson - Reference Services Review - Feb 04, 2014
The Finnish medical portal - 'Terveysportti'
Internet resources for diabetes